Can you help provide emergency food for migrant homeworkers in Tirupur?

Homeworkers in Tirupur in Tamil Nadu, supported by our partner SAVE, have recently registered their own unorganised workers trade union, Anuhatham. Here they are joining the nationwide day of action called today by the Indian trade union movement, to resist the radical reform of labour law introduced in some parts of the country, in response to the pandemic - and also highlighting the particular vulnerability of homeworkers, who lack employment contracts, legal protection and social insurance. (Due to the lockdown, no more than five workers could congregate in any one place - so they held 30 mini-actions across the city!)

As the factories remain closed and subcontractors still have no work for homeworkers, our partner SAVE is continuing to provide emergency food supplies to support migrant families who are excluded from the limited government schemes. HWW has set up a Justgiving page here, so that you can support their efforts - HWW will then transfer the money raised to SAVE, to be used for their relief work.


Organising is Essential for Homeworkers


What would gender-friendly actions for homeworkers look like in a post-COVID-19 world?